A house for the broken, a home for the healed
Come be a part of a community of believers who love Jesus. Grow closer to him with us, and let him be the one who fully heals your hurts and sins.
8:00am – Adult Bible Study
9:00am – Coffee & Donuts in the Atrium
9:30am – Worship Gathering (Children’s Church & Nursery Available)
5:00-6:15 – Kids Club for 4k-3rd Grade
5:00-6:15 – Four-56 for 4th-6th Grade
6:30-8:30pm – Youth Group for 7th-12th grade
Our Vision
Grow Closer With Us
We call our church “A house for the broken; a home for the healed.” This statement highlights the fact that we are all sinners in need of God’s forgiveness, and that means there is no room for judgment of each other amongst our church. Jesus didn’t come to save the healthy, but the sick. You don’t need to clean your life up to be a part of our church. Come be a part of a community of believers who love Jesus. Grow closer to him with us, and let him be the one who fully heals your hurts and sins.
Weekly Events
Tuesdays at 10:00am
Food for Thought
Join us every Thursday at 10:00 am in the Atrium for a Bible study, followed up by lunch at a local eatery
Wednesday Nights
Student Ministries
Join us for Wednesday night fun! From Kid’s Club to Four:56, Confirmation to Youth Group, there’s an opportunity for students of all ages to find community.
Throughout the Week
Small Groups
We have several Small Groups that meet at different times and places during the week, covering a variety of topics and books of the Bible. Contact Pastor Chris ([email protected]) to get connected to a group!
Partner with Emmaus Road Church
We are a church on mission to love God and love People. Your gifts support our pastors and fund the events, trips, and ministries that both encourage the people of our church in their faith, and equip them to share that faith in Jesus with others. Whatever you are led to give, God works through your generosity to accomplish his work at Emmaus Road Church!